Comment onboarder les métiers et devenir producteur d'applications ?
How to onboard business and become an application producer? Summary Business employees who become application producers thanks to nocode are called citizen makers or no-code Ops, i.e. people who do not live off no-code but who, thanks to no-code code will learn a number of skills, allowing them to create applications. You should know that […]
Comment gérer la gouvernance et la sécurité avec le no-code ?
Governance and security for no-code tools, what to do? Summary Governance and security for no-code are two topics that come up very regularly, particularly in large companies. Indeed, when you are a startup, when you are three people in the box, you generally give access to all the data in the company to the founder […]
Quelle stack choisir pour du no-code ?
Choosing your no-code stack is not to be taken lightly. How not to be mistaken? Summary This is effectively the starting point of any no-code project. Today it is more than 750 referenced no-code tools and we discover new ones every day. The stack is very varied. We will be able to deal with subjects […]
Quand faire ou ne pas faire du no-code ?
No-code has become key in companies. When should we do no-code and for which projects? Summary When to do or not to do no-code? This is an excellent question that all of our prospects ask all of our customers. There are a number of use cases that are natively compatible with note code. For example, […]