Which learning tool to use for which type of project?

2 minutes


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Let’s see in this course what type of learning tools to use depending on the type of project carried out.

There are three types of projects:

  1. Basic or generic tools, such as office automation tools. Concretely, this is the e-mail manager, the Google Drive file manager, the Microsoft suite, etc. Users pretty much know how to use them. The objective is above all to link them to the uses that we want to push in the company. It is not a question of training users in perfect use of the tool, it is a question of creating practical use cases thanks to which employees will gain in efficiency.
    This first type of project will concern the entire company even if inside there may be different uses. For example, an R&D team will use file managers more and, for example, sales people will use the calendar more. You will have to adapt the training on these use cases to your personas rather than to the tool itself.
    With this type of project it is better to use mini-trainings. For example short videos to broadcast and repeat very regularly to users.
  2. Projects always on a large volume of users, where there are business processes such as HR or expense report management tools. We are in a process that can be simple but on which there can be slightly more complex rules, even internal rules specific to your company: entering an expense report, for example, may seem simple, but if you are traveling three-day business with different types of expenses, rules apply and you cannot enter everything into the system.
    With this type of high user volume project, the training content is generally scattered but it must be simple and quick to distribute, immediately available when the user is in front of the screen. A digital assistant can be a good solution for this type of project.
  3. Finally, projects that are very business-oriented and therefore require strong expertise. For example systems for accountants. We are going to put in front of business rules because these populations will quickly know how to use their tools on a daily basis. We are going to favor training in the tool at the same time as we train a job and in everyday life. On the other hand, it is necessary to provide the right expertise at the right time, this is the role of a digital assistant, for example, who will be able to answer the specific questions of these users by seeking the answers in a good business knowledge base.

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