How to optimize the fluidity of web interfaces?
Summary : Historically, web browsers were not very optimized. That is to say, to interact with Java components, we created JavaScript. It was, in a very simplified way, to have, for example, a small graphic component in which we did what we wanted in Java, and the rest of the browser made it possible to […]
How to maintain a quality UX in the long term?
How to maintain a quality UX in the long term? Summary This is often a recurring subject because it is complicated to maintain the code to be able to ensure consistency on all screens and over the long term. We saw in the first lesson that a Design System could help. Today this often results […]
How to be agile at the scale of a project?
How to be agile at scale? Summary Today the problem of adaptability, that is to say also of being able to improve a project over time, is the ability to be able to take into account the complaints, requirements and constraints that will come from different users. You must agree all the actors to be […]