Quel outil de learning pour quel type de projet?

Summary Let’s see in this course what type of learning tools to use depending on the type of project carried out. There are three types of projects: Basic or generic tools, such as office automation tools. Concretely, this is the e-mail manager, the Google Drive file manager, the Microsoft suite, etc. Users pretty much know […]

Comment conserver une UX de qualité au long terme&nbsp?

How to maintain a quality UX in the long term? Summary This is often a recurring subject because it is complicated to maintain the code to be able to ensure consistency on all screens and over the long term. We saw in the first lesson that a Design System could help. Today this often results […]

Qu'est-ce que l'approche user-centric ?

A quoi correspond l'approche user-centric ?

What is the user-centric approach? Summary The design and improvement of applications are not always intuitive and simple concepts for project managers, which sometimes leaves users frustrated and unable to complete their tasks. The user-centric approach describes the process of designing and improving computer tools in which end users influence the way the design and […]